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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

unSUMMIT 2012: optimizing BPOC implementations

I'm presenting once again at the unSUMMIT for Bedside Barcoding, this May in Anaheim. My task over the next couple of months will be to compile new information to meet the objectives of this abstract:

An industry veteran will share some of the most critical lessons learned by pioneers of BPOC. The long trail to a safer point of care begins with a solid understanding of the fundamentals. Understanding a bit about the arcane world of barcode symbologies and data structure can guide scanning equipment selection to ensure the right read the first time. “Gotchas” that other organizations have experienced will be covered to highlight the most pertinent multi-disciplinary connections that should be developed very early in the implementation process. BCMA depends upon effective medication identification and can spur a rethinking of the medication management process. Mobile computing is difficult to get right in the nurse’s chaotic, interrupt-driven time-compressed world. What are some key considerations in optimizing your hospital’s mobile computing hardware? The best wireless network implementation is one in which the user never notices the network, and this presentation will round up some critical wireless implementation success factors. A look at RFID and other wireless technologies will help identify the areas of technology to consider now.  This session is designed to outline factors to keep in mind while planning for and executing successful implementations.


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