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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Health, mobile

My takeaway from attending many conferences on <mHealth, wireless health, mobile health> is respect for the tremendous innovation and passion generated, but much of it will go nowhere until becomes part of our health care and health process. mHealth will become Health, which will be increasingly mobile. This sentiment is expressed very well by Charles Huang here who acknowledges others. like Todd Park who have been saying the same thing.

Huang notes that most entrepreneurs are focusing on very narrow fragments of care process, and that this hyper-fragmentation isn't yet denting the colossal, macro problems we face. We need platforms that can tie all the edge devices, sensors and apps into coherent wholes. Qualcomm Life's 2Net platform hopefully is an example of an enabling platform that smooths out the kinks medical device makers face in unleashing their acquired data to clouds to participate in the broader spectrum of care. The good news is that we have the capability to measure an unprecedented amount of body-specific data. The bad news is that we don't really use well the amassed clinical data we have buried in EHRs.


Elizabeth J. Neal said...

The good news is that we have the capability to measure an unprecedented amount of body-specific data.

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